The following rules, laws and code of Ethics includes the Ethics from our partners and affiliates. All persons having obtained any National Cyber Security Training Academy certification or certificate program ("Certified Person") and taking part in National Cyber Security Training Academy's Continuing Education Program ("CCEP") must agree that they have read and will abide by the terms and conditions of this National Cyber Security Training Academy Candidate Code of Ethics Policy ("Ethics Policy"), prior to participating in the CCEP.

  1. It is a violation of this Ethics Policy for any Certified Person to participate in any incident of cheating, breach of security, misconduct, submission of fraudulent information or any other behavior that could be considered compromising the integrity or confidentiality of any National Cyber Security Training Academy certification examination, any National Cyber Security Training Academy certification or the National Cyber Security Training Academy Continuing Education Program, as determined by National Cyber Security Training Academy. All Certified Persons shall adhere to the following:
  1. All information submitted for participating in and earning units from the CCEP must have been completed by the participating Certified Person. 
  2. A Certified Person shall abide by all the terms and conditions set forth in the National Cyber Security Training Academy Candidate Agreement. 
  3. A Certified Person shall only submit continuing education units that they themselves have completed. 
  4. A Certified Person shall only provide accurate and authentic information for earning continuing education units. 
  5. A Certified Person shall abide by the National Cyber Security Training Academy Continuing Education Audit Policies as set forth by National Cyber Security Training Academy from time to time. 
  6. A Certified Person shall offer and provide professional services with integrity. 
  7. A Certified Person shall perform professional services in a manner that is fair and reasonable to clients, principals, partners and employers, and shall disclose conflict(s) of interest in providing such services. 
  8. A Certified Person shall not disclose any confidential client information without the specific consent of the client. 
  9. A Certified Person will always conduct themselves in a manner which enhances the image of the profession. 
  10. A Certified Person shall provide services to clients competently and maintain the necessary knowledge and skill to continue to do so in those areas in which they are certified. 
  11. A Certified Person shall not solicit clients through false or misleading communications or advertisements. 
  12. Taking an examination for another student.
  13. In the course of performing professional activities, a Certified Person shall not engage in conduct involving dishonesty, fraud, deceit or misrepresentation, or knowingly make a false or misleading statement to a client, employer, employee, professional colleague, governmental or other regulatory body or official, or any other person or entity.


Procedural Requirements for National Cyber Security Training Academy Continuing Education Code of Ethics Policy:

2. Notice of Violations and Sanctions

  1. If it is determined that any Certified Person has violated this Ethics Policy, National Cyber Security Training Academy will send such Certified Person a written notice of violations and applicable sanctions and a copy of National Cyber Security Training Academy's Appeals Policy and Process.

3. Remedies for Violating the Candidate Conduct Policy

Any Certified Person determined by National Cyber Security Training Academy to have violated this Ethics Policy shall, if determined necessary or appropriate by National Cyber Training Academy based upon the seriousness of the incident or violation:

  1. be denied and/or decertified in a National Cyber Security Training Academy certification(s) 
  2. have all other National Cyber Security Training Academy certifications previously granted to such candidate revoked; 
  3. not be eligible to register and/or schedule any National Cyber Security Training Academy certification examination, or receive any National Cyber Security Training Academy certification, for a minimum period of twelve (12) calendar months from the date of such determination; 
  4. have the current continuing education program cycle suspended and/or not be eligible to pursue any National Cyber Security Training Academy certification for a minimum period of twelve (12) calendar months from the date of such determination;
  5. be subject to any and all other appropriate action, including legal remedies, that National Cyber Security Training Academy deems necessary or appropriate to enforce National Cyber Security Training Academy's Ethics Policy.


4. Ex-Offenders 

If you have been convicted of a crime or currently on probation or parole, you can still receive your NCSTA certification under the following conditions:

  1. You do not break local, state, federal or international laws.   You abide by the  rules and regulations on this page.
  2.  Ex-Offenders who complete any certification course, will receive a Certificate from NCSTA.
  3. If the Ex-Offender takes a course  from one of our partners (CompTIA, CISCO, etc.), check  to see if the rules still apply.  The Ex-Offender will still receive a “Certification of Completion” by NCSTA.  For example, if you complete a CompTIA A+ course, you will receive a Certificate stating, “John Doe has completed the requirements for CompTIA A+ certification.”

Appeals Process

After a Certified Person has received a written notice of violations and applicable sanctions from National Cyber Security Training Academy, such candidate or Certified Person will have thirty (30) calendar days to file a written request for appeal pursuant to National Cyber Security Training Academy's Appeals Policy and Process.