Certified Cyber Crime Consultants Are Experts In:

  • Hacked Network

    As A Certified Cyber Crime Consultant, You Will Learn How To Investigate Computers, Websites And Networks That Have Been Hacked.

  • Cyber Extortion & Blackmail

    Learn How Consumers, Business People, Entertainers, Athletes, Public Figures Are Being Blackmailed Or Extorted.

  • How To Consultant

    How To Consultant With Other IT Managers, Law Enforcement, CEO's, Small Business Owners, Athletes, Entertainers and Other Organizations.

  • Social Media Investigations

    Learn Different Techniques You Can Use To Locate A Person, Find Their Locations, Track Their Activities, Locate Their Friends And Family, Plus A Lot More.

  • Identity Theft

    Learn How Individuals As Well As Companies Have Their Identities Stolen. Then Learn What The Bad Guys Do Once They Have The Identities.

  • Scams

    Learn About The Different Scams And Schemes Crooks Use To Steal Information. This Includes Email Scams, Telephone Scams And More.

  • According to the Verizon Data Breach Investigation Report: 61% of breaches occurred in smaller businesses last year.
  • According to UPS Capital: Breaches cost small businesses between $84,000 and $148,000 33% of firms required 3+ days to recover.
  • According to the FBI, 84% of computer attacks are inside jobs.


This course is taught as a self-paced online course and in a classroom setting.

  • Instruction by an expert facilitator

  • Online assistance

  • Specialized online manual and course materials

  • Personalized certificate as a Certified Cyber Crime Consultant

Course Objectives

  • Effectively protect websites from being hacked. 
  • Demonstrate an understanding of professional, ethical and legal issues as it relates to cyber crime. 
  • Effectively investigate cyber extortion and cyber blackmail cases. 
  • Articulate oral and written skills necessary to develop company security policies. 
  • Effectively assess employee risks. 
  • Demonstrate an ability to perform penetration tests. 
  • Demonstrate an understanding of how internet scams are committed and how to investigate them. 
  • Demonstrate an ability to assess any business, or government agency on their physical and network vulnerabilities. 
  • Utilize techniques to effectively profile a cyber criminal. 
  • Demonstrate an ability to perform basic cell phone and tablet computer forensics. 
  • Understand how to teach parents about Online Child Safety.
  • Social Media investigation.
  • How to install and remove malware and viruses.
  • How to consult with entertainers, athletes, celebrities, small businesses, corporations and governments agencies.
  • How to start your own cyber security company.
  • How to market your skill sets.
  • How to build your own "Hacker For Hire" service legally. 
  • How to remove links from Google.

All Students Will Receive A Certificate Of Completion

All Students will receive a certificate of completion as a

Certified Cyber Crime Consultant.

Course Curriculum

  1. 1
    • Support

    • About This Course

    • Download Security And Acronyms Definitions

    • What Every Cyber Security Consultant Should Have

    • 100 Hacking Tools and Resources

  2. 2
    • About This Course

    • What About The Geek Squad?

    • IT Manager, Computer Security Expert Or Hacker

    • Having A Career In IT And/Or Cyber Security

    • Basic Computer Problem

    • Jack Of All Trades

    • Don't Be Shy

    • Become A Teacher

    • Speak Less

    • The Basic Networking

    • Can You Trace A Network

    • Latency And Bandwidth

    • Do You Understand Script Writing

    • Backups Then Backup Again

    • Storing Your Password

    • Hard Work

    • Become A Project Manager

    • Understanding The Business Side

    • Don't Be Afraid To Debate

    • Always Have A Solutions

    • Ask Questions

    • Book Smart Vs. Street Smart

  3. 3
    • About This Chapter

    • Understanding Your Role As A Certified Cyber Crime Consultant

    • Ethics In Cyber/Computer Security

    • 10 Leadership Qualities

    • Agent of the Government

    • Ethics And Leadership Quiz

  4. 4
    • About This Chapter

    • 12 Things Every Leader Should Do To Prevent Cyber Attacks

  5. 5
    • Overview Of Cyber Insurance

    • Proof That Hacking Is Bigger Than All Drug Trafficking In The World!

    • What Does Cyber Insurance Cover?

    • Ten Things You Need To Know About Cyber Security Insurance

    • The Different Types Of Cyber Insurance

    • What Is Covered by Third-Party Cyber Insurance?

    • What Is Covered By First-Party Cyber Insurance?

    • What Is Not Covered By Cyber Insurance?

    • Determining Your Cyber Insurance Coverage Needs

    • Cyber Insurance Checklist

  6. 6
    • What Is A CIO?

    • What Is A CTO?

    • What Is A CISO?

    • What Is A IT Manager?

    • How to Assess an IT Department

    • Layering For Security

    • DMZ

    • VLAN's

    • NAT

    • Rogue IT Manager

    • Disabling The Windows Command Prompt

    • How to Disable USB Ports On Windows Machines

    • How to Disable USB Ports - Mac OS

    • The Difference Between A Server And A PC

    • Disabling The Windows Command Prompt

    • Securing Corporate Sensitive Data

    • Completely Erasing Data From A Disk

    • What Is a Proxy Server

    • Hiding Data Using Steganography

    • Steganography

    • Quiz

    • Network Topology Discovery Using Software Tools

    • Setting Up Remote Access Authentication

    • Additional Switch Hardening Techniques

    • Implementing A Secure Network Design

    • Secure Network Architecture Concepts

    • Additional Switch Hardening Techniques

    • Host Health Checks

    • Implementing A Secure Network Design

  7. 7
    • Lesson Introduction

    • Understanding Employee Risk

    • Identify The Importance Of Risk Management

    • Risk Assessments

    • The Risk Equation

    • Risk Calculation

    • Risk Exposure

    • Risk Analysis Methods

    • Risks Facing an Enterprise

    • Quiz - Risk Management

    • Assess Risk

    • ESA Frameworks

    • ESA Framework Assessment Process

    • Cloud Considerations

    • The NIST Framework and Models

    • The COBIT Frameworks

    • The ITIL Model

    • The ISO Model

    • The SABSA Framework

    • TOGAF

    • System-Specific Risk Analysis

    • Risk Determinations

    • Guidelines for Assessing Risk

    • Quiz - Assessing Risk

    • Mitigate Risk

    • Classes of Information

    • Classification of Information into CIA Levels

    • Security Control Categories

    • Control Review Based on CIA Requirements

    • DoS Attack

    • Database Intrusion

    • Application of Controls That Address CIA Requirements

    • CVE

    • Extreme Scenario Planning and Worst Case Scenarios

    • Risk Response Techniques

    • Additional Risk Management Strategies

    • Continuous Monitoring and Improvement

    • IT Governance

    • Verification and Quality Control

    • Defense in Depth

    • Defense In Depth Strategy

    • Integrate Documentation Into Risk Management

    • Quiz - Mitigating Risk

    • Policy Development

    • Policies, Standards And Guidelines

    • Quiz - Information Security Policies For Employees

    • Process and Procedure Development

    • Topics to Include in Security Policies and Procedures

    • Topics to Include in Security Policies and Procedures

    • Learning The Policies

    • Information Custodians - Personal Data

    • Information Custodians - No Personal Data

    • Data Classifications

    • Purpose

    • Description of the Information Security Sub-Policies

    • Policy on Employing Staff

    • Disciplinary Process

    • Understanding Control Types

    • Controls and Processes

    • Policy on Departing Staff

    • Physical Security Overview

    • Physical Security Guidelines and Requirements

    • Physical Security Control

    • Internal Security Control

    • Security Incidents And Reporting

    • Remote Access

    • Third Party Access Control to the Network

    • Maintenance Contracts

    • Wireless Network

    • External Network Connections

    • Risk Assessment and Audit

    • Access Control to the Network

    • Malicious Software

    • Data and Software Exchange

    • Unauthorized Software

    • Secure Disposal or Re-use of Equipment

    • Security Monitoring

    • Training and Awareness

    • Reporting Data Security Breaches and Weaknesses

    • System Configuration Management

    • Disaster Recovery Plans

    • Unattended Equipment and Clear Screen

    • IT Department Responsibilities

    • Backup and Recovery Policy

    • 12 Security Best Practices for USB Drives

    • Contractors and Visitors

    • Security Control Types

    • Managing Risk

  8. 8
    • Intrusion Detection & Prevention

    • Example Of CISCO Intrusion Prevention System

    • Installing And Configuring A Firewall

    • Load Balancer Configuration

    • Installing And Configuring An Intrusion Detection System

    • DataLoss Prevention Systems

    • Configuring Network Security Technologies

  9. 9
    • Understanding Employees Rights

    • Understanding Law Enforcement Concerns

    • Quiz 1 - Getting Started

  10. 10
    • Lesson Introduction

    • Way Back Machine

    • Using Your Resources

    • Using Whois Lookups

    • Using DNS To Extract Information

    • Assess the Impact of Reconnaissance Incidents

    • Variables Affecting Reconnaissance

    • Evasion Techniques For Reconnaissance

    • Additional Tools

    • Finding Your IP Address

    • Finding Network Ranges

    • Google Hacking

    • Mining For Information Using Google Hacking

    • Google Hacking Database

    • Passive Reconnaissance Using The Internet

    • Using What You've Learned....

  11. 11
    • Why Cyber Crime Pays

    • Cybercrime Statistics: How Much Money are Cybercriminals Making?

    • Cybercrime Statistics: The Top Methods of Attack and Related Cybersecurity Concerns

    • Cyber Crime

    • Responding To Security Incidents

    • Investigating Security Incidents

    • Recovering Deleted Data

    • Types Of Attacks - Part 1

    • Different Attack Types - Part 2

    • Only The Rich Can Attain Cyber Crime Justice

    • Example Of Cyber Justice

    • Social Engineering Attack Troubleshooting

    • Hacking In The Entertainment Industry

    • The Weakest Link

    • Should A CEO Trust a Hacker Over His IT Department

    • Peeping Tom – Protecting Pictures on Computers and Cell Phones

    • Tracking An Attacker Using Shellbags

    • Finding Out What Your Working With On A Network

    • Tracking An Attacker Using Shellbags

    • Recovering Deleted Data

    • Creating A System Image For Forensic Analysis

    • Man-In-The-Middle-Attack

    • Common Attacks

    • Application Attacks

    • By Passing The Hash

    • Attack Countermeasures - Flooding

    • XML Injection

    • Clickjacking Threats

    • Pivoting Using Windows Remote Desktop

    • What Is DoS And DDoS

    • DoS Attacks

    • Botnets

  12. 12
    • Social Media Investigation

    • Social Networking Use in Legal Industries Slowly Gaining Momentum

    • Social Media Investigations - What You Need To Do Before Getting Started

    • How To Use Social Networking To Your Advantage

    • How To Create A Sock Puppets - Part 1

    • How To Create A Sock Puppets - Part 2

    • Social Media Investigation - Quick Tools & Websites For Investigations

    • Social Media Attacks & Hacks

    • Assuming a New Online Identity

    • How To Make Fake Profiles

    • Social Media Investigation - Tracking A Target On Facebook

    • Social Media Investigation - Facebook Reference Links

    • The Do's and Don'ts of The Dark Web

    • Protecting Your Own Privacy

  13. 13
    • How People Really Feel About Strong Passwords

    • Choosing The Right Password

    • Lie, Lie & Lie – Never Tell the Truth When Answering Security Questions

    • Passwords And Hashes

    • Force Password Changes

    • Can Changing Your Passwords Often May Be a Waste of Time

    • Resetting Your Password

    • Two-Factor Authentication

    • Example of 2 Key Authentication using gmail.com

    • USB Rubber Ducky - Take Social Engineering to the Next Level

    • Password Attacks

    • Example Of USB Rubber Ducky

    • Using More Than One Email Account

    • Securing Your Online Password

    • Identity And_Authentication Concepts

    • Cracking Passwords Using Software Tools

    • Implementing IAM

  14. 14
    • Web Browsers History, Bookmark and Cache Files

    • Which Web Browser Is Best For Security

    • Important Browsers Files

    • How Can I Protect My Browser Files

    • How To View Passwords In A Browser

    • Clickjacking Threats

  15. 15
    • Overview Of Social Engineering

    • Social Engineering

    • How To Trace An IP Address

    • Social Engineering

    • Types of Social Engineering

    • Understanding Phishing Scams And Social Engineering

    • Phishing And Delivery Media

    • Phishing and Common Components

    • Duplicate A Website

    • Assessing the Impact of Social Engineering

    • Quiz - Social Engineering

  16. 16
    • Case Study - Personal Security (Identity Theft)

    • Case Study - Medical Identity Theft

    • Identity Theft - Personal Security

    • Identity Theft - Medical Identity Theft

    • Identity Theft - Stats

    • Case Study - Credit Card Skimming

    • Case Study - Criminal Identity Theft

    • Case Study - Credit Freeze

    • Case Study - ID Theft Recovery

    • Identity Theft - Do It Yourself Identity Theft Recovery

    • Identity Theft - Tips for Avoiding Online Credit Card Fraud

    • Identity Theft - Criminal Identity Theft

    • Identity Theft - 5 Types of Credit Card Fraud

    • Identity Theft - Internet Security

    • Identity Theft - Credit Freeze / Security Freeze

    • Identity Theft - How Thieves Can Steal Your Identity

    • Identity Theft - Credit Reports

    • Robo-Call Fraud

    • Phishing Scams

  17. 17
    • Medicare Fraud, Don't Give them A Chance

    • Preventing Medicare Scams

    • Watch For The Package On Your Door Step

    • Tips On How To Protect Yourself

    • Medicare Quiz

    • Jamaican Lottery Scam

    • An Example On How One Man Lost $25k In A Lottery Scam

    • How It Works

    • Lottery Quiz

    • How To Avoid A Tech Support Scam

    • FBI Destroys Tech Support Scammer's Call Center!

    • Lottery Quiz

    • How To Avoid A Tech Support Scam

    • FBI Destroys Tech Support Scammer's Call Center!

    • Spotting and Avoiding Tech Support Scams

    • What to Do If You Were Scammed

    • What To Do If You Think There’s a Problem With Your Computer

    • Reporting Tech Support Scams

  18. 18
    • Examples of the Top 10 Internet Scams

    • Case Study - Credit Report

    • Don’t Open That Email – Spear Phishing

    • Phishing Email Scam

    • Example - How To Perform A Phishing Attack

    • Internet Crime Reports

    • Internet Crime Prevention Tips

    • Switch-A-Roo

    • Watch What You’re Buying

    • What Can Go Wrong – Craigslist

    • Ebay - Hijacked Accounts

    • Hi-Tech Hustling On eBay

    • Second Chance Offers

    • Partial Refund

    • Paid Too Much For An Item

    • No item

    • Shill Bidding

    • Fakes

    • Hidden Shipping and Handling

    • Fake Money Orders and Bad Checks

  19. 19
    • Cell Phone Security Overview

    • Apple OS vs. Google Android

    • Jailbreaking an iPhone

    • Password Protect Your Phone

    • Having Two Numbers Is Better Than One!

    • Did You Download An App With Spyware On Your Android?

    • How Do You Protect Yourself From NFC?

    • Don’t Trust Your Cell Phone With a Stranger

    • Bump & Hack - NFC Hacking

    • Protecting Your Android Phone & Tablet

    • Cell Phone Hacking

    • Voicemail Security

  20. 20
    • Fighting Cyber Bullying

    • Cyber Bullying - Resources

    • Cyber Bullying - Social Media Stats

    • Cyber Bullying - Traditional Bullying

    • Cyber Bullying - Discrimination Stats

    • Case Study - Sexting And Cyber Bullying

    • Cyber Stalking - Stalking Using Technology

    • Case Study - Cyber Bullying

    • Cyber Stalking - Stats

    • Cyber Bullying - Workplace Bullying

    • Cyber Bullying - Things a School Can Do to Fight Cyber Bullying

    • Bullies vs. Cyber Bullies

    • Be Strong

    • Facts & Myths About Bullies and Cyber Bullies

    • Case Study - Cyber Bullying Tips | Owning Your Own Name

  21. 21
    • Create By An Narrated By.....

    • Child Safety Stats

    • Protecting Our Children

    • Case Study - How and Why You Should Install Spyware On Your Kids Computers

    • What your Put Out, Is What your Get Back

    • Quiz

    • How Not To Get In To Harvard

    • Stop Trying To Get Likes, Before It Kills You!

    • Watch Who You Call A Friend

    • Nerds Rule The World

    • Quiz

    • Beware Of Child Predators

    • Choosing The Right Password

    • Password Hacking Clock

    • Cyber Bullying VS Bullying

    • Quiz

  22. 22
    • Need-to-Know Definitions

    • Overview Of Surveillance & Countermeasures

    • What Is Bug Sweeping And TSCM?

    • Top 5 Best Spy Voice Recorders

    • Common Types of Surveillance

    • Surveillance Methods

    • What Is Electronic Surveillance?

    • How To Build Your Own Hidden Bug Transmitter

    • Is Electronic Surveillance Legal?

    • Computer and Mobile Phone Surveillance

    • Am I Under Electronic Surveillance?

    • What Can I Expect From An Investigator Specializing In Electronic Surveillance?

    • Computer Surveillance - What Does It Offer?

    • What Is Computer Surveillance?

    • Who Can Use Computer Surveillance?

    • How To Perform A Sweep

    • Eavesdrop Countering Devices

  23. 23
    • Who Created the Dark Web?

    • Is It Really Anonymous?

    • Getting Started With The Dark Web - Part 1

    • Getting Started With The Dark Web - Part 2

    • What You Need To Know

    • Inside The Dark Web

    • Tor And Anonymizers

    • How To Buy Products On The Dark Web

    • The Difference Between The Internet And The Dark Web

    • How To Access The Dark Web

  24. 24
    • The 5 Stages Of Computer Hacking - Part 1

    • The 5 Stages Of Computer Hacking Part 2

    • The Top 5 Places That People Think Will Never Be Hacked

    • Network and System Scanning Methods

    • Performing Reconnaissance on a Network - Part 1

    • Performing Reconnaissance on a Network - Part 2

    • Vulnerability Scanning

    • Enumeration Methods

    • Enumeration Techniques

    • How To Get Usernames And Passwords Across The Network

    • Download Wireshark

    • Capturing and Analyzing Data with Wireshark

    • Using Nessus

    • View The Nmap Manual

    • Overview Of Nmap

    • Quiz - Nmap 1

    • Quiz - Nmap 2

    • Quiz - Wireshark

    • Implementing Penetration Testing

    • Host Fingerprinting Using Software Tools

    • Configure Vulnerability Scanners

  25. 25
    • The Easiest Why To Hack, Audit And Test Physical Access

    • Introducing the WiFi Pineapple

    • WiFi Pineapple Primer - From Recon to PineAP

    • Shark Jack

    • The Power Of The Shark Jack

    • The Packet Squirrel

    • Using The Packet Squirrel

    • LANTurtle

    • How To Use The Lan Turtle

  26. 26
    • 12 Signs A Personal Computer Has Been Hacked

    • Principles Of Cybersecurity

    • Microsoft Windows Security

    • How To Secure Windows 10

    • Security Mac OS

    • Don’t Trust Your Neighbor’s Wi-Fi

    • Internet Security

    • Top 10 Secure Computing Tips

  27. 27
    • Wireless Networking

    • Encryption - WEP, WPA And WPA

    • Finding Hotspots

    • Breaking WEP Encryption

    • Rogue Access Points And Attacks

    • Wireless Sniffing

    • Protecting Wireless Networks

  28. 28
    • What Is Web Application Testing

    • Web Application Architecture

    • Web Testing Tools

    • Cross Site Scripting

    • SQL Injection

    • Cross Site Request Forgery

    • Session Hijacking And Attacks And Cookies

  29. 29
    • History Of Cryptography

    • Types Of Cryptography

    • Public Key

    • Certificates

    • Hashing

    • AES, DES And DES

    • SSL and TLS

    • SSH

    • Disk Encryption

    • Cryptographic Analysis

    • Cryptanalysis Techniques

    • Hashing And Symmetric Cryptographic Algorithms

    • Identifying Asymmetric Cryptographic Algorithms

  30. 30
    • Understanding Malware

    • Ransomware Facts

    • Ransomware Statistics

    • Dealing With A Ransomware Attacks

    • Virus Types

    • How To Remove Ransomware

    • Anti-Virus Software

    • Viruses

    • Phage Virus

  31. 31
    • PART 1 - Learn To Make A Lucrative Career In Cyber Security

    • Part 2 - Learn To Make A Lucrative Career In Cyber Security

  32. 32
    • Final Exam

Learn How To Become A Spy

Learn how to install surveillance software (spyware) on your clients computers, to find employees who maybe stealing company intellectual property.

Learn Counter Surveillance

As Certified Cyber Crime Counsultant, you will learn counter surveillance which includes sweeping homes, offices and cars.

Included In This Course


Imagine you could walk up to a computer, plug in a seemingly innocent USB drive, and have it install a backdoor, exfiltrate documents, steal passwords or any number of pentest tasks.


Once you complete this course, you will receive a free Certified Cyber Crime Consultant Shirt. 

Pricing options

Download The National Cyber Security University App For Discount Codes.