An Untrained Employee Can Be Your Weakest Link!

Hackers Don't Target The IT Manager, They Target The Untrained Employees.

Cyber awareness training is a program designed to educate individuals about the potential cyber threats they may encounter and the best practices for protecting sensitive information and systems. The goal of this training is to increase awareness of cybersecurity issues, reduce the risk of security breaches, and ensure that employees and users can recognize and respond appropriately to cyber threats. 

Protecting your organization begins with ensuring your employees are prepared to assist in keeping your computers and networks safe. The strongest security asset is already inside the company: the employees.

What types of risks do your employees pose to your organization?

By implementing comprehensive cyber awareness training, organizations can significantly enhance their overall security posture and better protect against the ever-evolving landscape of cyber threats.

Customized Training

National Cyber Security Training Academy Offers Customized Online Training for Your Organization. Contact Our Team.


  • Certificate Of Completion

    Each employee will receive a certificate of completion.

  • Up To One Year

    Your have the option of 1 day to 1 year to complete the training.

  • Free Take-Overs

    National Cyber Security University updates curriculum 3 times a year. Your employees can retake the training for up to 1 year.

Course Curriculum

  1. 1
    • Understanding What You Are About To Read

  2. 2
    • Pause, Think, And Act

  3. 3
    • Information Security Awareness

  4. 4
    • User/Staff Responsibilities

    • IT Department Responsibilities

    • Senior Information Asset Risk Owner Responsibilities

    • Further information

    • Chapter Quiz

  5. 5
    • Contractors and Visitors

    • Employee Exit

  6. 6
    • 10 Steps to Cyber Security

  7. 7
    • Introduction

    • Procedures

    • Understanding Roles Between Staff and System Adminstrators

    • Chapter Quiz

  8. 8
    • Defining Social Media

    • Social Media Policies

    • Social Media Posts Monitored by Company

    • Negative Comments Regarding Your Employer

    • Derogatory Remarks

    • Posting Company Information

    • Social Media Use at Home

    • Divulging Personal Information at Your Own Risk

    • Evidence in Lawsuits

    • Companies Should Be Concerned About Social Media

    • Company - Intellectual Property

    • Company - Insider Information

    • Company - Business Related Contacts

    • Companies - Tracking Who May Have Released Confidential Information

    • Chapter Quiz

  9. 9
    • External Network Connections

    • Remote Access Policy

    • Wireless Network

    • Third Party Access Control to the Network

    • Unauthorised Software

    • Training and Awareness

    • System Configuration Management

    • Reporting Data Security Breaches and Weaknesses

    • Disaster Recovery Plans

    • Unattended Equipment and Clear Screen

    • USB Policy

    • Chapter Quiz

  10. 10
    • Policy Brief & Purpose

    • Your Personal Email Security

    • Phishing Attacks

    • Policy Elements

    • User ID's

    • Chapter Quiz

  11. 11
    • Choosing The Right Password

    • Password Policies

    • Using Your Cell Phone To Reset Your Password

    • Two-Factor Authentication Examples

    • Chapter Quiz

  12. 12
    • Information Custodians - Personal Data

    • Information Custodians - Non Personal Data

    • Data Classifications

  13. 13
    • Mobile Security Overview

    • Vulnerable Laptops

    • Lock It Up

    • Mounted Desk Security

    • Security Cameras

    • Laptop Cables And Locks

    • How To Secure Your Laptop Bag

    • Anti-Computer Forensics

    • Laptop In The Trunk

    • Chapter Quiz

  14. 14
    • Social Engineering Attacks To Be Aware Of

    • Chapter Quiz

  15. 15
    • Physical Security Breach

    • Physical Security Overview

    • Physical Security Guidelines and Requirements

    • Physical Security Control

    • Internal Security Control

    • Security Incidents And Reporting

  16. 16
    • What Is Workplace Bullying?

    • Bullies vs. Cyber Bullies

    • Is Bullying In A Workplace A Big Deal?

    • Example Of Wordplace Bullying

    • How Employees Are Affected

    • The Workplace Affect Because Of Bullying

    • What To Do If Your Being Bullied

    • Tips On What To Do

    • Chapter Quiz

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