2019 Course Calendar
Table of Contents
1. Welcome to the National Cyber Security University
2.2. Vision Statement
2.3. Institutional Values
2.4. Goals & Objectives
2.5. Pertinent Dates
3. Certification, Authorization & Recognition
4. Governance, Administration, and Faculty
4.1. Administration
4.2. Program Faculty
5. Admission Policy
5.1. Certified Seeking Applicants
5.2. Non-Certified Seeking Applicants
5.3. International Students
5.4. Re-Admission Policy
6. Institutional Policies
6.1. Notice of Non-Discrimination
6.2. Academic Integrity Statement
6.3. Student Code of Conduct
6.4. Consequences of Plagiarism
6.5. Dress Code
6.6. Attendance Policy
6.6.1. Online Programs
6.6.2. Resident Training Programs
6.6.3. Leave of Absence
6.7. Enrollment Limitations
7. Tuition and Fees
8. Scholarship Offerings
9. Veterans
9.1. Veterans Education Benefits
9.2. Tuition and Fees
9.3. Active Duty Military Service
9.4. Program Completion
9.5. Mitigating Circumstances
10. Grading
10.1. Auditing a Board Certification
11. Waivers & Credit Transfers
11.1. Transfer Credit
12. Examinations
12.1. Exam Policies & Rules
12.2. Remote Proctor Exams
12.3. Exam License Time Limit
12.4. Application for Exam
12.5. Rescheduling & No show
13. Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP)
13.1. Monitoring Academic Progress
14. Withdraw & Refunds
14.1. Refunds Online Programs
14.2. Refund Residential Programs
15. Due Process & Student Rights
16. Conditions for Dismissal for Unsatisfactory Conduct
16.1. Academic Dishonesty Occurs
16.2. Avoiding Academic Dishonesty
16.3. Penalties for Academic Dishonesty
16.4. Academic Misconduct
16.5. Penalties for Academic Misconduct
16.6. Disciplinary Records
17. Educational Resources
17.1. Our Facility & Equipment
17.2. Technology Requirements
18. Student Services
18.1. Transcript Services
18.2. Confidentiality of Student Records
18.3. Academic Advising
18.4. Course Assessment
18.5. Career and Employment Services
18.6. Study Help
18.7. Textbooks and Study Materials
18.8. Educational or Travel Visas
18.9. Change of Personal Information
18.10. Support Services
19. Contact Information
20. Program Offerings
20.1. National Cyber Security University Programs
20.2. Program Delivery Methods
20.3. Requirements for Certification
20.4. Requirements for Non-Certification
20.5. CPE Credits
20.6. Course Description Key
20.7. Continuing Education Programs (CE)
21. Governing Board & Faculty
- Welcome to National Cyber Security University
National Cyber Security University course catalog is published to familiarize students with National Cyber Security University, our eligibility requirements, policies, programs, student rights, responsibilities and methods for accessing important services.
We have made every effort to ensure accuracy in the preparation of the handbook to provide pertinent and accurate information.
From time to time, we revise policies and procedures. We post the changes our website at www.NationalCyberSecurityUniversity.com and we send an email notification to students. We recommend students periodically check our website for the most up-to-date information.
If you have any questions regarding this document please contact the National Cyber Security University and talk with a National Cyber Security University Advisor.
Gregory Evans
- Mission, Vision, Goals
National Cyber Security University is an eLearning and classroom organization that empowers the laymen to the professionals with real-world applicable training to enhance their professional credentials and skill sets.
Our courses are designed by professionals in the industries of Cyber Extortion, Cyber Blackmail, Cyber Crime, Private Investigation, State and Federal Law Enforcement, Intelligence & Counter-Intelligence, Cyber Security, Internet Fraud, eCommerce Fraud, Business Security, Parent Security, Child Security, Industrial Espionage and Sex Trafficking.
- Mission Statement
National Cyber Security University is the 1st cyber security University where Cyber Crime meets Entrepreneurship. Our mission is to train each student with the skills and knowledge to start their own company, consulting firm or agency in the Cyber Security, IT Security, Private Investigation industry.
For those in corporate or government industry, will have a better understanding on how to work and communicate with C-Level (CEO, CFO, COO..).
- Mission Statement
National Cyber Security University vision is to be able to educate our students on the cyber security industry and how to become entrepreneurs.
- Institutional Values
National Cyber Security University believes that everyone should learn to at least be able to protect themselves from cyber crime, as well as protect others from becoming a victim. We have set up several scholarship funds available to those who qualify, including; but not limited to: veterans, chronically homeless, individuals from low income families, and Ex-Offender.
- Goals & Objectives
National Cyber Security University Chief Academic Director is responsible for the organization’s learning events, and focuses on a more specific set of objectives:
- Provide a world-class learning via www.NationalCyberSecurity.com, National Cyber Security University App and classroom setting.
- Develop cutting-edge, relevant training, created by industry experts at the National Cyber Security University, with oversight from the Governing Board.
- Provide and Maintain Industry Leading Standards in the cyber security, Intelligence and Investigative Sectors
- Provide a coaching and mentoring network from industry professionals to grow, learn and help one another succeed.
2.5 Pertinent Dates
The National Cyber Security University observes the following US holidays:
New Year’s Day
Memorial Day
Independence Day
Labor Day
Martin Luther King Jr. Veteran’s Day
Thanksgiving Day
Christmas Eve
Christmas day
- Certification, Authorization & Recognition
Missouri Dept of Education Currently waiting for approval.
- Governance, Administration, and Faculty
An independent board of directors governs National Cyber Security University. The board of directors plays an active role in guiding the University, from helping to shape the mission, goals, and strategic plan to actively reviewing, contributing to and having oversite on our board certifications.
National Cyber Security University is comprised of experienced professionals with backgrounds in security, finance, business and marketing. Our Team is not made up of bookworms who's only experience is what they learned in a classroom, but have "been there and done that." This includes ex-military, private investigators, ex-computer hackers, ex-law enforcement, federal law enforcement, attorneys, and fraud investigators.
National Cyber Security University board members are listed below:
- Dr. Amber Perymon | Psy.D.| Doctorate in Clinical Psychology Background in psychological content analyses and insider risk assessment.
- Anthony Taylor | Federal Probation and Parole Officer
- M. Patrick Sharpton | Retired Lieutenant Colonel, US Army and former Operations Center Director for the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency and currently President and CEO of Sharp 10 Group
- Eric Echols | Former Marine Corp. Military Police. Mr. Echols is a Georgia Private Investigator and Former Chapter Chair of Georgia Association of Private Investigators
- Gregory Evans | Director of Hi-Tech Crime Solutions. World Reknown computer security consultant. Author and Cyber TV Host.
- Warren Scheibe | Reserve police officer with San Bernadino Police for more than 20 years. Business owner for 30 years.
- Dr. Courtney | A seasoned digital and learning media technologist with over fourteen years of experience and thorough knowledge of instructional design, social media, adult learning theories/application, and instructional technology integration.
- William Forest | Retired Major United States Air Force in Counter Intelligence and Fraud Investigations.
4.1. Administration
Administrators for National Cyber Security University provide leadership to carry out plans and activities in support of the University's goals and objectives. National Cyber Security University administrators create and design appropriate processes and services to support students and the learning environment.
- Gregory Evans | CEO and Co-Founder
- Dr. Amber Perymon | Chief Academic Director and Co-Founder
- M. Patrick Sharpton | Director of Operations
- Nina Stringer | Director of Admissions
- Tennell Lockett, Esq | Legal
4.2. Program Faculty
Program faculty serves as the primary authors and instructors for National Cyber Security University Programs. They are directly involved in the design and maintenance of current and future courses, program design, and student learning outcomes.
Current full-time program faculty includes:
Gregory D. Evans (Senior Instructor)
Patrick Sharpton (Senior Instructor)
William Forest (Senior Instructor)
Each member of National Cyber Security University faculty has demonstrated competence, through formal education and professional experience, to provide educational courses that meet the objectives laid out in the program goals.
5. Admission Policy
Students are grouped into two different classifications: Certification-Seeking or Non-Certification Seeking.
5.1. Certified Seeking Applicants
Certified Seeking Applicants are students that would like to become board certified. To apply and enroll as a certified seeking student, the individual must be 18 years of age or older and meet the eligibility requirements for the certification you are attending. Some of our certification programs require a specific level of education along with specified professional work history.
Also, a person convicted of a felony or misdemeanor still can be eligible to become a certified professional with National Cyber Security University but may not ineligible for certain corporate or government jobs that require a security clearance. A person seeking employment maybe rejected for employment by a company or organization if they have been convicted of a felony or misdemeanor. Falsification or omission of information on the application form will be reason enough to disqualify an applicant from becoming or remaining a board-certified professional.
5.2. Non-Certified Seeking Applicants
Non-Certified Seeking Applicants need to be at least 18 years or older and have no requirements as it relates to educational experience or professional work experience.
5.3. International Students
International (non-immigrant) students are able to attend online courses if they meet the eligibility requirements for the course. All of the courses, materials, and presentations are delivered in the English language, unless specified.
International students can attend residential programs if they are on a United States Visa.
5.4. Re-Admission Policy
This policy pertains to National Cyber Security University students who seek to return to their resident program after leaving as a result of discontinuation, withdrawal, or dismissal. Students on tuition payment plan agreements are also encouraged to inquire about the possible impact of a leave on their payment plan status.
Discontinuation from the program
A student who discontinues from a resident program without notice, or who did not attend the training program as expected relinquishes his/her status as a student and will be administratively withdrawn from the program. Time of withdrawal will be decided on a case by case basis taking into account student specific information and situation.
Readmission Requirements
A student who seeks to return to the program after being withdrawn for less than one academic year must petition for readmission in writing to the Chief Academics Director stating the mitigating circumstances (and provide supporting documentation) in which prevented the student from completed the course on the initial attempt.
Petitions for readmission must be approved by the Chief Academic Director and Academic Review Committee.
The Chief Academic Director and Academic Review Committee may require a student seeking re-admittance to repeat some or all of the program the student completed before withdrawal and may be required to take additional courses to meet the requirements of the curriculum at the time of readmission.
A student who seeks to return to the program after being withdrawn for a total of one or more academic years will be required to re-apply through the regular admissions process.
A decision by the Admissions Committee to select the student for admission is subject to final approval by the Chief Academic Director and Academic Review Committee.
Readmission following dismissal for Academic or Professional Misconduct A student who is dismissed for academic or professional misconduct is not eligible to apply for readmission to National Cyber Security University.
6. Institutional Policies
Any action(s) reported or observed by a student, faculty or staff member in violation of National Cyber Security University Code of Conduct or Institutional Policies should be reported to the Chief Academic Officer.
6.1. Notice of Non-Discrimination
In keeping with its long-standing traditions and policies, National Cyber Security University considers students, employees, applicants for admission or employment, and those seeking access to University programs on the basis of individual merit. The University does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national or ethnic origin, age, status as an individual with a disability, protected veteran status, genetic information, or other protected classes under the law (including Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972).
6.2. Academic Integrity Statement
Academic dishonesty is unacceptable and will not be tolerated. Cheating, forgery, plagiarism, and collusion in dishonest acts undermine National Cyber Security University educational mission and the students’ personal, professional, and intellectual growth. National Cyber Security University students are expected to bear individual responsibility for their work, to learn the rules and definitions that underlie the practice of academic integrity, and to uphold its ideals. Ignorance of the rules is not an acceptable excuse for disobeying them. Any student who attempts to compromise or devalue the academic process will be sanctioned.
Academic dishonesty is unacceptable and will not be tolerated. Cheating, forgery, plagiarism, and collusion in dishonest acts undermine National Cyber Security University educational mission and the students’ personal, professional and intellectual growth. National Cyber Security University students are expected to bear individual responsibility for their work, to learn the rules and definitions that underlie the practice of academic integrity, and to uphold its ideals. Ignorance of the rules is not an acceptable excuse for disobeying them. Any student who attempts to compromise or devalue the academic process will be sanctioned.
Basic Rules: Do NOT share or Disseminate Course Materials or Examinations with others. Do not use additional resources and materials during examinations.
Cheating is the attempted or unauthorized use of materials, information, notes, study aids, devices or communication during an academic exercise. Examples include:
- Copying from another student during an examination or allowing another to copy your work.
- Unauthorized copying of examination materials or utilizing unauthorized copies of past examinations for another course is strictly prohibited.
- Unauthorized collaborating on research assignment or examination.
- Using unauthorized notes during an online examination.
- Taking an examination for another student.
- Asking or allowing another student to take an examination for you.
- Changing a corrected exam and returning it for more credit.
- Submitting substantial portions of the same assignment to two classes without consulting the other instructor.
- Preparing answers, copying prep review quizzes, copying prior examinations, or writing notes, which is to be utilized during an examination.
- Allowing others to research and write assigned papers including the use of commercial term paper services.
Plagiarism is the act of presenting another person’s ideas, research or writing as your own. This includes, but is not limited to:
- Copying another person’s actual words without the use of quotation marks and footnotes.
- Presenting another person’s ideas or theories in your words without acknowledging them.
- Using information that is not considered common knowledge without acknowledging the source.
- Failure to acknowledge collaborators on homework and laboratory assignments.
- Purchase and submission of papers from “paper mills,” internet vendor sites, and other sources.
Obtaining an Unfair Advantage:
- Stealing, reproducing, copying, circulating or otherwise gaining prior access to course materials or examination materials.
- Depriving other students by stealing, destroying, defacing or concealing library materials.
- Copying, Digital Recording / Retaining, using or circulating examination materials that clearly indicate that they should be returned at the end of the exam.
- Intentionally obstructing or interfering with another student’s work.
- Sharing your homework assignments with others to include posting or re-posting your assignments to the public.
- Engaging in activities that intentionally create an unfair advantage over another student’s academic work.
Falsification of Records and Official Documents:
- Forging signatures of authorization
- Falsifying information on an official exam application.
- Lending assistance or failing to report witnessed acts of academic misconduct
Any charge, accusation or allegation that is to be presented against a student, and, that, if proved, may subject a student to disciplinary action, must be submitted in writing, in complete detail to the ethics board by the individual, organization or department making the charge. The due process begins with student notification and an investigation of the charge. The process ends with either dismissal of the charge or sanctioning.
Engaging in acts of academic dishonesty can end a student’s educational career and jeopardize future career goals. National Cyber Security University is committed to maintaining an atmosphere of academic integrity. Students should know that faculty and staff do follow routine practices that readily detect acts of academic dishonesty. Faculty are experts in their field of study and are often familiar with the source of plagiarized material. Techniques for detecting cheating are used during online examinations. All alleged cases of academic dishonesty are subject to due process. When misconduct has been proven, the following sanctions are applied. A disciplinary file becomes a part of the student’s permanent record.
- Admonition: An oral statement to the offender that he or she has violated University rules.
- Warning: Notice to the offender, orally or in writing, that continuation or repetition of the wrongful conduct, within a period of time stated in the warning, may cause far more severe disciplinary action.
- Disciplinary Probation: Exclusion from participation in privileges or extracurricular University activities as outlined in the notice of disciplinary probation for a specified period of time.
- Suspension: Exclusion from courses, board certifications, and other privileges or activities as outlined in the notice of suspension for a definite period of time.
- Expulsion: Termination of the student’s status with the University to include any and all credentials (or potential credentials if not issued yet), CPE credits or certificates earned shall be revoked indefinitely.
Because students are ignorant about the school’s policy. Behavior that is considered collaborative in one environment or culture may be considered cheating elsewhere
Because of societal pressure to “succeed at any cost.” Students focus on grades instead of the learning process.
Because of desperation. Poor time management and study skills often lead to a lack of preparation for exams and an inability to meet deadlines.
- Read and familiarize yourself with National Cyber Security University’s academic policies.
- Communicate upfront. Let study partners know where you stand on academic dishonesty. If you work on group projects, be clear that you do not expect your work to be copied. A typist or editor must discuss any changes with you before making them on your papers.
- Learn Time-Management and Study Skills. Allow adequate time for studying and writing papers. Acts of academic dishonesty are often desperate attempts to cover-up lack of preparation.
- Seek Help. If you are overwhelmed by course content, visit the professor during office hours to discuss your concerns.
- Withdraw from the Course. If you are doing poorly in a course or if a crisis has caused you to fall too far behind, consider dropping the course.
- Reexamine Goals. Be sure that the goals you set and follow are your own. Do not be pressured by family and friends into a career that does not make the best use of your abilities.
Protect the value of your National Cyber Security University Credentials and Board Certifications. Students who are dishonest in obtaining their grades may not succeed on the job; employers will come to believe that National Cyber Security University students do not have the knowledge/skills to perform their work.
You can help to prevent this by reporting acts of academic dishonesty.
If you observe cheating during an exam or know of students who have an unfair advantage, it is your obligation to report these occurrences to the ethics board. You can do so by sending an email to [email protected]; they will investigate your allegations while maintaining confidentiality. Remember, you are the one being hurt if these injustices are allowed to continue.
6.3. Student Code of Conduct
The purpose of this document is to provide clarification about National Cyber Security University Code of Ethics for our Board Certified Professionals. Readers should be mindful that no explanation could cover every circumstance or situation, and therefore, the guidance contained herein is intended to show how the code of ethics should be interpreted. Ultimately, it is the Board Certified Professionals responsibility to act by the utmost highest ethical considerations when dealing with the public and in their professional capacities.
- Keep private any confidential information gained in her/his professional work, (in particular, as it pertains to client lists and client personal information). Not collect, give, sell, or transfer any personal information (such as name, e-mail address, Social Security number, or other unique identifiers) to a third party without prior client consent.
- Shall not engage in any illegal or unethical conduct or any activity which would constitute a conflict of interest.
- Disclose to all concerned parties those conflicts of interest that cannot reasonably be avoided or escaped.
- Add to the knowledge of the cyber profession through constant study, share the lessons of her/his experience with fellow National Cyber Security University members, and promote public awareness of the benefits of the programs and learnings.
- Will comply with lawful orders of the courts and will testify to matters truthfully and without bias or prejudice.
- Disclose to appropriate persons or authorities’ potential dangers to any clients, the Internet community, or the public, that she or he reasonably believes to be associated with a particular set or type of electronic transactions or related software or hardware.
- Provide service in their areas of competence, being honest and forthright about any limitations of her/his experience and education. Ensure that she or he is qualified for any project on which he/she works or proposes to work by an appropriate combination of education, training, and experience.
- Never knowingly use software or process that is obtained or retained either illegally or unethically.
- Use the property of a client or employer only in ways properly authorized and with the owner’s knowledge and consent.
- Conduct herself/himself in the most ethical and competent manner when soliciting professional service or seeking employment, thus meriting confidence in her/his knowledge and integrity.
- Will reveal all material matters discovered during an investigation, which, if omitted, could cause a distortion of the facts.
6.4. Consequences of Plagiarism
Academic dishonesty is unacceptable and will not be tolerated. Cheating, forgery, plagiarism, and collusion in dishonest acts undermine National Cyber Security University educational mission and the students’ personal, professional and intellectual growth. National Cyber Security University students are expected to bear individual responsibility for their work, to learn the rules and definitions that underlie the practice of academic integrity, and to uphold its ideals. Ignorance of the rules is not an acceptable excuse for disobeying them. Any student who attempts to compromise or devalue the academic process will be sanctioned (See Section 16).
Basic Rules:
Do NOT share or disseminate course materials or Examinations with others. Do not use additional resources and materials during examinations.
Definitions of Academic Dishonesty - Cheating is the attempted or unauthorized use of materials, information, notes, study aids, devices or communication during an academic exercise.
Examples include:
• Copying from another student during an examination or allowing another to copy your work.
• Unauthorized copying of examination materials or utilizing unauthorized copies of past examinations for another course is strictly prohibited.
• Unauthorized collaborating on research assignment or examination.
• Using unauthorized notes during an online examination.
• Taking an examination for another student.
• Asking or allowing another student to take an examination for you.
• Changing a corrected exam and returning it for more credit.
• Submitting substantial portions of the same assignment to two classes without consulting the other instructor.
• Preparing answers, copying prep review quizzes, copying prior examinations, or writing notes, which is to be utilized during an examination.
• Allowing others to research and write assigned papers including the use of commercial term paper services.
Plagiarism is the act of presenting another person’s ideas, research or writing as your own.
This includes, but is not limited to:
• Copying another person’s actual words without the use of quotation marks and footnotes.
• Presenting another person’s ideas or theories in your words without acknowledging them.
• Using the information that is not considered common knowledge without acknowledging the source.
• Failure to acknowledge collaborators on homework and laboratory assignments.
• Purchase and submission of papers from “paper mills,” internet vendor sites, and other sources.
Obtaining an Unfair Advantage:
• Stealing, reproducing, copying, circulating or otherwise gaining prior access to course materials or examination materials. • Depriving other students of stealing, destroying, defacing or concealing library materials. • Copying, Digital Recording / Retaining, using or circulating examination materials that clearly indicate that they should be returned at the end of the exam. • Intentionally obstructing or interfering with another student’s work. • Sharing your homework assignments with others to include posting or re-posting your assignments to the public. • Engaging in activities that intentionally create an unfair advantage over another student’s academic work.
Falsification of Records and Official Documents:
• Forging signatures of authorization
• Falsifying information on an official exam application.
• Lending assistance or failing to report witnessed acts of academic misconduct.
6.5. Dress Code
National Cyber Security University dress codes for residential-based programs can be National Cyber Security University Uniform to casual. If you do not know what National Cyber Security University Uniform or casual means please refer below for examples.
National Cyber Security University Uniform
National Cyber Security University Uniform provides Pollo and T-shirts with National Cyber Security University logo on the left chest. Student can also wear T-shirts that has the logo of the certification they are registered for.
Shirts, Tops, Blouses, and Jackets
Casual shirts, dress shirts, sweaters, tops, golf-type shirts, and turtlenecks are acceptable attire. Most suit jackets, blazers or sports jackets are also acceptable attire.
Inappropriate attire for work includes shirts with potentially offensive words, terms, logos, pictures; halter-tops or tops with bare shoulders.
Hats and Head Covering
Hats are not appropriate in the office. Head covers that are required for religious purposes or to honor cultural tradition are allowed.
If a student fails to adhere to the dress code policy will face the following consequences:
- Day 1: Will be given a verbal warning
- Day 2: Will be given a written warning
- Day 3: Will be dismissed from the program
6.6. Attendance Policy
Attendance is critical to successful completion of the program. National Cyber Security University attendance policy is as followed:
6.6.1. Online Programs
National Cyber Security University’s online programs are self-study & self-paced. You are free to attend the training program at your own convenience with the following stipulation: You have one year to complete the program examination. If you do not complete it within one year you have to purchase a new exam license.
Note: National Cyber Security University online programs are not eligible for veterans education benefits at this time.
6.6.2. Resident Training Programs
National Cyber Security University resident training programs require 90% attendance. If you miss more than 10% of the program you will be dismissed from the program.
6.6.3. Leave of Absence
The Leave of Absence policy provides for an approved time that students can be away from their studies for up to one year for personal, family, financial, or other compelling reasons. An extension of one term may be granted.
Who is eligible for a leave of absence?
A Leave of Absence may be granted to students for personal, family, financial, or other compelling reasons. Leaves are not granted for students who simply want to take time off from a program. To be eligible, students must be seeking a certification program, have completed at least two full modules prior to the date a leave is to begin, be in good academic standing and be making reasonable progress toward their certification.
What is the benefit of taking a leave of absence?
The main benefits of a Leave of Absence are that 1) the student is guaranteed a return to the program (assuming other University obligations are met, e.g., debts), and 2) the time taken on an approved Leave of Absence does not count in the time limitations for exam license and or completion.
How do I request a leave of absence?
To request a Leave of Absence, the student must complete a Request for Leave of Absence form, found on NationalCyberSecurityUniversity.com on the Student document section. The request must be approved by the student’s advisor or VP of academics. The reason for the request is confidential and should remain in the student’s department/school file. A plan for re-admission, including any conditions that must be met, should be put in writing and kept in the student’s department/school file. The request should be submitted as soon as possible, but no later than the last day of classes during which the leave has been taken. A retroactive Leave of Absence will not be granted.
How can I tell if a leave of absence has been approved?
The student advisor will inform the student and all signatories on the form (e.g., advisor, VP, Chief Academic Director) once a Leave of Absence has been approved and processed. In addition, a hold is placed on the student’s account to prevent further registration. Faculty and staff with appropriate access to our LMS may check SOAHOLD to verify the Leave of Absence hold.
How long many I will be away from the University during a leave of absence?
A Leave of Absence will allow a student to be away from their studies for up to one year.
What if I don’t return from my leave of absence as planned?
If a student does not return to the certification program, she or he will be considered as having permanently withdrawn from the University. To be reconsidered for certification, she or he will need to submit a new admissions application. Programs may require new admissions materials (e.g., letters of reference, proof of experience, education), or allow the student to re-use the materials that were submitted with the student’s original application. The student is responsible for contacting the program to determine which materials may re-used and which materials will need to be newly submitted, and for sending that information to National Cyber Security University when they apply.
Will I be notified before it expires?
National Cyber Security University will send an email reminder to a student before the leave expires. The VP, Instructor and Advisor are copied on the email.
6.7. Enrollment Limitations
Student Enrollment Limitations and Priorities
The purpose of this policy is to establish reasonable limitations on enrollments at the University. Enrollment in specific programs or programs may be limited as follows:
- Programs are limited to 20 students.
- Cancelation of Low Enrollment Courses
Enrollment may also be limited due to the following legal or practical considerations:
- Funding Limitations
- Regional Planning Constraints
- Legal requirements imposed by statues, regulations or contracts
- Health and Safety Concerns
- Facility Limitations
- Legal requirements imposed by statues, regulations or contracts
7. Tuition and Fees
Enrollment into Online Programs
The student will register for the online program via the course landing page at NationalCyberSecurityUniversity.com. The student is enrolled in the program as soon as payment is made. The student will receive an email giving them access to their account. They follow the account instructions on the email and may begin their course immediately.
Enrollment into Resident Programs
The student will choose the date and time of the resident program they wish to attend on the course landing page and register for the program at that time. Once enrolled the student will receive a confirmation email indicating their spot is reserved with the program details (such as the University site, other colleges or Universities hosting the course, hotel, times and dates of the program). The student’s course materials will be provided at the location of the training program.
Students are responsible for the cost of their Course(s). Sometimes an employer may cover the cost of the course or reimburse the student for the course. The course is to be paid for before the student is granted access to the course. Payment or a student tuition payment plan (agreement) must be in effect at the time of enrollment.
Student Tuition Payment Plan (Agreement)
National Cyber Security University offers students the ability to pay for their program tuition via an automatic payment plan. The student will decide what type of payment plan they would like to enroll in at enrollment. The payment plans offered range from 2 to 6 payments. The first payment is required upon enrollment. This will activate the student’s course and give them access to the course.
The next payments will automatically be withdrawn from the credit card they used for initial payment and will bill on the date purchased for the following months until the course is paid in full. There is no credit check. Payment plans and the payments made toward the tuition are the responsibility of the student.
Non-Payment or Failed Payment
If a student fails a payment at any time during the payment plan terms as agreed upon during enrollment, they will be given a 7 day grace period to pay their outstanding payment. If the student fails to pay as agreed upon, they will be removed from their program and will not be able to enroll in any new courses until the outstanding debt is paid in full. The University may withhold official transcripts until the debt is paid in full and satisfied.
Employer - Government - Agency Payment Agreements
National Cyber Security University works with employers and government agencies around the world which submits payments on behalf of the student for attendance in our programs. These payment agreements are not to be construed or confused with a student tuition payment plan agreement and are separate in nature.
Students are responsible for the costs of hotel, food, and travel to attend any of the resident programs. These amounts are to be paid directly to the hotel, etc at which the residential program is being conducted.
Financial Aid
At the present time, National Cyber Security University does not administer federal financial aid or their sources of financial aid programs, except for out Second Chances and Outreach Programs. National Cyber Security University recommends student’s check with their employers regarding tuition reimbursement or assistance programs for which they may be eligible.
8. Scholarship Offerings
The following scholarships are administered and awarded by National Cyber Security University Please note that National Cyber Security University may change their deadlines and/or requirements, so you should consult with our website for the most up-to-date information. There may also be additional opportunities for outside scholarships available. Please see our External Resources webpage for more information.
9. Veterans
National Cyber Security University loves working with our incredible veterans. Explore this section to see how we can help you to take your career to the next level while both serving our country and when you embark on a new career outside of it as well.
9.1. Veterans Education Benefits
Veteran students are eligible to use their benefits for board certification examinations. Students seeking reimbursement for exam fees should complete VA Form 22-0803 and submit to their local VA Regional Office or https://www.vets.gov/education/advanced-training-and-certifications/licensing-certification/ for more information.
Disclaimer: The amount of the exam fee reimbursed may not cover the entire exam fee in all cases. Please refer any questions to your local VA Regional Office for clarification.
9.2. Tuition and Fees
Qualifying students may use their Veterans Education benefits for tuition and fees. However, you are ultimately responsible for the tuition and fees. A refund of the unused portion of tuition, fees, and other charges will be made to veterans or eligible persons who fail to enter or fail to complete the course as required by the Department of Veterans Affairs Regulations, CFR 21.4255. The refund will be within 10 percent of an exact pro rata refund. No more than $10 of the established registration fee will be retained if a veteran or eligible person fails to enter the course. The refunded amount shall be paid within 30 business days.
9.3. Active Duty Military Service
If a student gets called to active duty military service, their course can be placed on hold. We will allow the student to have the remainder of what time is left on their course when they are no longer in an active duty status. It is the responsibility of the student to inform National Cyber Security University of their active duty status by calling: (888) 883-2248, or by writing to: [email protected].
9.4. Program Completion
Your VA educational benefits expire on the earliest of either the date you reach the total hours approved for your program or on the date you complete or terminate your enrollment in the program. When you complete your program, please notify the school’s VA Certifying Official as soon as possible so that the VA can be informed within 30 days.
9.5. Mitigating Circumstances
The VA requires students using the Post-9/11 GI Bill® to provide mitigating circumstances when they withdraw from or drop a course after the drop/add period and receive a non-punitive grade. Acceptable mitigating circumstances must be provided in order to pay benefits for the period of attendance prior to the drop date. If they are not provided and accepted, any benefits paid from the beginning date of the term will be considered an overpayment, and a debt may be established. If you’ve dropped classes after the drop/add period or had to stop attending and received a grade that isn’t factored into your Grade Point Average, chances are the term “mitigating circumstances” was mentioned in a letter we sent you. So what are “mitigating circumstances” and why should you care? To learn more, read the VA’s Mitigating Circumstances FAQs.
10. Grading
The following tables list the grades that are used at National Cyber Security University and show how they are calculated to determine the grade point average (GPA). Compared to other respondents, a smaller proportion of respondents outside the U.S. and Canada selected the promotion of certification by co-workers, peers, or supervisors among the primary reasons for pursuing certification. However, a higher proportion of respondents outside the U.S. and Canada indicated they pursued certification to stay current in the investigative and intelligence industry.
Grading Scale:
Excellent (A, A-).
Very good (B+, B, B-).
Average (C+, C).
Poor (C-, D+, D).
Failure (F)
We also utilize the following marks as well
- I – Incomplete
- W – Student Withdraw
- AU – Audit
- P/CR/S – Passing / Credit / Satisfactory (C- or Better)
- NC/U – No credit/Unsatisfactory
- NG – No Grade Assigned
- TR – Credits accepted as transfer
10.1. Auditing a Board Certification
Students can elect to study on their own accord without attending our program and sit for any of our board examinations with the submission of the examination fee of $997. The student when ready will complete the exam application and sit for the online exam.
11. Waivers & Credit Transfers
A Board Certification candidate can request an experience waiver of one year in the following circumstances:
Based on educational qualifications (on a case by case basis) the candidate can request a waiver of a maximum of one-year work experience as a direct full-time professional in the intelligence and or investigative sectors.
This requires an educational qualification such as an advanced degree such as a Masters or Ph.D. in the areas of criminal justice, homeland security, intelligence, psychology, or relevant program from an institution accredited by an organization recognized by the U.S Department of Education.
Valid experience includes intelligence and/or investigative related work, performed as a full-time practitioner, consultant, investigator, or instructor and requires the direct application of that knowledge. The experience must also cover the core competencies of the program for which the waiver is requested.
11.1. Transfer Credit
National Cyber Security University does not accept transfer credits. All programs must be completed in their entirety in which a student enrolls.
If you are using or planning to use veterans education benefits you must submit all educational records as indicated below:
For Veterans: Transcripts should be sent to National Cyber Security University Admissions Office. Veterans must also submit a military transcript and DD Form 214 (Member 4 or Service 2 version). The military transcript is either the Joint Services Transcript (Army/Navy/Marines/Coast Guard) or Community College of the Air Force Transcript (Air Force only). Joint Service Transcripts will be subject to an initial evaluation in which any military course that has been deemed as a direct equivalence AND directly pertains to the student’s specific degree will be awarded. Awarded credit cannot be removed once applied. All other completed military courses on the Joint Service Transcript that do not pertain to the student’s specific program of study will not be awarded. For more information, visit www.National Cyber Security University.com.
12. Examinations
National Cyber Security University administers several industry renowned board examinations. In addition to benchmarking a student’s classwork knowledge acquisition against industry job standards, students will also earn an industry-leading certification as a result of their successful study. National Cyber Security University exams are closed book and are taken online. The successful completion of a final exam is required at the end of the program for the student to become Certified in the course.
Students who have questions regarding scheduling a proctored exam should email [email protected] or call 888-263-1650.
12.1. Exam Policies & Rules
All National Cyber Security University Board Exams are timed. Each program varies, so please refer to your course for more details.
They are a mixture of true/false, multiple choice and scenario based questions.
Exams must be taken in one sitting and cannot be taken over multiple settings, time periods or days..
Once you enter the exam environment, you have to complete it in that sitting
The exams are closed book exams.
Make sure to have a stable internet connection. Your exam will not be given a second time due to poor internet connections or loss of internet.
Passing score is 70%. We have over a 99.7% pass rate if you follow the materials and utilize the prep review quizzes to study.
If you failed your exam and it came with an exam guarantee you will receive a second attempt for free (if you qualify), learn more here.
Please refer to the course landing page to see if this is applicable for the program of your interest.
If you fail the exam, run out of time and fail it, or stopped the exam for any reason without completing it, you will need to purchase a new exam license.
12.2. Remote Proctor Exams
National Cyber Security University utilizes ProctorU which is an online exam proctoring services for all courses which require a proctored exam. This secure, cloud-based proctoring service allows students to take secure exams at their convenience while maintaining university integrity. The exam can be accessed through www.National Cyber Security University.com. More instructions and training videos for utilizing ProctorU can be viewed in the New Student Orientation. A PC or Mac, webcam (external or built-in), and an internet connection are required.
Students should be prepared to show two (2) forms of personal ID. Both must have a signature, and both must be current. One of the two must have the student’s photo. The ID bearing both a signature and photo must be government-issued.
12.3. Exam License Time Limit
The student will have 1 year from the time of purchase to complete their exam. If they do not complete the exam within 1 year, they will be required to purchase another exam license in order to obtain the Certification. The Student may request in writing via email to [email protected] to request an extension if needed.
12.4. Application for Exam
Each student will submit an exam application that will ask for their educational and professional background that is required for the Certification to ensure they meet the eligibility requirements.
12.5. Rescheduling & No show
The scheduling process for your proctor is done via ProctorU will be web-based through the student’s portal account. Exam slots are available on a first come, first serve basis.
Students should schedule their appointment at least three days before their desired exam date.
Students who need to cancel or reschedule a scheduled exam appointment must do so at least one business day (24 hours) before their exam appointment by logging into their ProctorU account.
If you proceed past any portion of proctor registration steps and DO NOT follow the directions as laid out. You will forfeit your exam application and fees. You will be required to purchase a new exam license at the cost of $997 USD and you will be required to pay a rescheduling fee for your proctor session of $199 before being able to reattempt the final exam.
Should you miss your proctor session for any reason at all a rescheduling fee of $199 will be accessed to reschedule your proctor session, regardless of the situation. Once you schedule your proctor session we are charged for your appointment regardless if you show up or not. So if you miss it you have to reschedule fee it’s only fair.
13. Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP)
For Online Programs
Students have one year from the date of enrollment to complete the online board examination. Failure to not complete the examination process within the one year time period will result in requiring the student to purchase a new exam license to become certified.
For Resident Based Programs
Resident based students must attend 90% of the resident based program.
- If a student misses more than 5% of the program they will be given a verbal warning.
- If a student misses more than 7% of the program they will be given a written warning.
- If a student misses more than 10% of the program they will be dismissed from the program.
13.1. Monitoring Academic Progress
Monitoring Academic Progress
Success & progress is tracked through our learning management system. Both students and National Cyber Security University staff can access student progress at any time from within our LMS.
- Student progress made during the course of the program is recorded in our LMS system. Our system records the date and time a lesson is completed to the student record. The student can view their progress from within the course as see below. The can see how many lessons have been completed and how many are left. They can click on that to see the overall percentage as well of course completion.
- As the student progress through the training program each lesson completed is marked in the system as complete (along with the date and time stamp) and the student can see the percentage of completion as they move through the program. Our system will place a green check mark next to the lesson as that lesson is successfully completed.
- The student is required to take a quiz at the conclusion of each module and must obtain an 80% or better to pass (If they do not reach an 80% competency or better the student can re-take these quizzes as many times as they wish to improve their overall competency). Once passed the quiz will display the results of the quiz and indicate if the quiz has been passed or failed. This provides real-time feedback to the student as they progress through the program.
- The student can then progress to the next training module upon successful completion of the module quiz as indicated above.
- The student would need to successfully complete each of the training modules and quizzes as indicated to progress and sit for the final exam.
- Students must complete the course in its entirety and receive a passing grade (70% or higher) on the final exam. The Board Certification Exam must be completed within one year from the date of enrollment.
Consequences for Failure to Maintain Academic Success
Students that fail to meet academic success and successful completion of the program will not be granted a board certification or certification of completion (if a non-certified course).
14. Withdraw & Refunds
A student may withdraw/cancel and request a full refund if they are within 3 business days of purchase and have not completed more than 5% of their course. If the student is within these perimeters, a full 100% refund will be issued within 30 days.
Please note: If we believe that you are abusing our refund policy, in our sole discretion, we reserve the right to suspend or terminate your account and refuse or restrict any and all current or future use of the company’s products, without any liability to you.
If a refund is processed, you no longer have rights to any of the materials, downloads, learnings, or utilizing the learnings in any fashion.
14.1. Refunds Online Programs
The following refund guidelines are followed for our online programs:
- Up to 25% of the Program 25% Refund Will be Issued
- From 26% to 50% of the Program 10% Refund Will be Issued
- Over 51% of the Program 0% Refund Will be Issued
Please note: If we believe that you are abusing our refund policy, in our sole discretion, we reserve the right to suspend or terminate your account and refuse or restrict any and all current or future use of the company’s products, without any liability to you.
If a refund is processed, you no longer have rights to any of the materials, downloads, learnings, or utilizing the learnings in any fashion.
14.2. Refund Residential Programs
The following refund guidelines are followed for our resident based programs:
- Up to 25% of the Program 25% Refund Will be Issued
- From 26% to 50% of the Program 10% Refund Will be Issued
- Over 51% of the Program 0% Refund Will be Issued
Please note: If we believe that you are abusing our refund policy, in our sole discretion, we reserve the right to suspend or terminate your account and refuse or restrict any and all current or future use of the company’s products, without any liability to you.
If a refund is processed, you no longer have rights to any of the materials, downloads, learnings, or utilizing the learnings in any fashion.
15. Due Process & Student Rights
Any charge, accusation, or allegation that is to be presented against a student, if proved, may subject a student to disciplinary action. The allegation(s) must be submitted in writing, in complete detail and within twenty-four hours of the alleged offense, to the Chief Academic Officer by the individual, organization or department making the allegation. Due process begins with student notification and an investigation of the charge. The process ends with either dismissal of the charge or sanctioning.
The Chief Academic Officer or designee is responsible for the administration of disciplinary procedures at the National Cyber Security University. Allegations of violations of National Cyber Security University policy are accepted for consideration only when the apparent infractions are observed on National Cyber Security University property or other locations where National Cyber Security University provides services. Infractions of federal, state or local laws occurring off campus shall be the concern of the civil authorities except when such actions:
- directly affect the health, safety or security of National Cyber Security University community;
- affect National Cyber Security University pursuit of its educational purposes, or
- occur as a direct result of a National Cyber Security University connected disruption.
When disruptive or unruly behavior occurs in a classroom or laboratory, the instructor may immediately require the student who is responsible for the disruption to leave the classroom. It is the student’s responsibility to contact the instructor prior to the next scheduled class meeting. It is the instructor’s responsibility to meet with the student as soon as possible after the request for the meeting and to meet before the next scheduled meeting if the student has made the request for a meeting. The meeting may occur over the phone or any other electronic medium if both the student and the instructor agree.
Different acts constitute a variety of sanctions. The alleged acts presented are reviewed on a case-by-case basis by the Chief Academic Officer. The Chief Academic Officer, upon reviewing the allegations, shall determine the corrective action to be taken, which may include dismissal of the student from National Cyber Security University programs.
16. Conditions for Dismissal for Unsatisfactory Conduct
Students have a right to know how they are being evaluated and graded in a course and to know what is being required of them. The following are the policy and procedures allowing students to seek review of their grades on the all National Cyber Security University certification programs.
National Cyber Security University actively seeks to foster a collegial and cooperative atmosphere among students and faculty. All faculty members and students are expected to act in a supportive and understanding manner. In this spirit, the University expects that open communication between students and faculty will be the norm and that this will help to avert misunderstandings.
However, there may be occasions when contention arises between students and faculty members. In these cases, students may file grievances/appeals as described below.
- Send an email to [email protected] with as much information and documentation as possible. Applicants should include their full name, registered email address, Portal ID, advisor’s name, and any other contact information appropriate.
- The administration will contact the plaintiff to confirm the complaint has been received within five days.
- National Cyber Security University administration will then review the situation as documented, and contact all applicable parties to discuss the problem.
- Within 15 days, the administration will compile the information and present it by e-mail to the CEO and CFO along with recommendations on how to remedy the situation in a fair manner.
- The CEO will send the student or advisor an e-mail response within 15 days with an explanation of the reasons for his decision. The decision of the CEO will stand as final.
- Students that are dissatisfied with the resolution offered by the school may contact the Missouri Department of Higher Education at (573) 571-2361 for information on filing a formal complaint against the school.
16.1. Academic Dishonesty Occurs
When a student violates any portion of the University’s Code of Conduct (See Section 6, Institutional Policies) or the following:
- Because students are unfamiliar with the University’s policy. Behavior that is considered collaborative in one environment or culture may be considered cheating elsewhere
- Because of societal pressure to “succeed at any cost.” Students focus on grades instead of the learning process.
- Because of desperation. Poor time management and study skills often lead to a lack of preparation for exams and an inability to meet deadlines.
16.2. Avoiding Academic Dishonesty
- Read and familiarize yourself with National Cyber Security University’s academic policies.
- Communicate upfront. Let study partners know where you stand on academic dishonesty. If you work on group projects, be clear that you do not expect your work to be copied. A typist or editor must discuss any changes with you before making them on your papers.
- Learn Time-Management and Study Skills. Allow adequate time for studying and writing papers. Acts of academic dishonesty are often desperate attempts to cover-up lack of preparation.
- Seek Help. If you are overwhelmed by course content, visit the professor during office hours to discuss your concerns.
- Withdraw from the Course. If you are doing poorly in a course or if a crisis has caused you to fall too far behind, consider dropping the course.
- Reexamine Goals. Be sure that the goals you set and follow are your own. Do not be pressured by family and friends into a career that does not make the best use of your abilities.
To protect the value of your National Cyber Security University Credentials and Board Certifications. Students who are dishonest in obtaining their grades may not succeed on the job; employers will come to believe that National Cyber Security University students do not have the knowledge/skills to perform their work. You can help to prevent this by reporting acts of academic dishonesty.
If you observe cheating during an exam or know of students who have an unfair advantage, it is your obligation to report these occurrences to the ethics board. You can do so by sending an email to [email protected]; they will investigate your allegations while maintaining confidentiality. Remember, you are the one being hurt if these injustices are allowed to continue.
16.3. Penalties for Academic Dishonesty
Engaging in acts of academic dishonesty can end a student’s educational career and jeopardize future career goals. National Cyber Security University is committed to maintaining an atmosphere of academic integrity.
Students should know that faculty and staff do follow routine practices that readily detect acts of academic dishonesty. Faculty are experts in their field of study and are often familiar with the source of plagiarized material. Techniques for detecting cheating are used during online examinations. All alleged cases of academic dishonesty are subject to due process. When misconduct has been proven, the following sanctions are applied. A disciplinary file becomes a part of the student’s permanent record.
- Removal of the charges against the student.
- First Substantiated Offense:
Admonition: An oral or written statement to a student that he/she is violating or has violated University rules and may be subject to more severe disciplinary action. - Subsequent Substantiated Offense:
Expulsion: Termination of the student’s status with the University to include any and all credentials (or potential credentials if not issued yet), CPE credits or certificates earned shall be revoked indefinitely.
Any student that has been expelled from National Cyber Security University for academic dishonesty are excluded from attending National Cyber Security University courses for a period of twelve months before they can reapply.
16.4. Academic Misconduct
Generally, University disciplinary action shall be limited to conduct which adversely affects the University’s pursuit of its educational objectives. The following misconduct is subject to disciplinary action:
- All forms of dishonesty, including cheating, plagiarism, and knowingly furnishing false information to the University, forgery, alteration, or use of University documents or instruments of identification with intent to defraud.
- Disruption or obstruction of teaching, research, administration, disciplinary proceedings or other University activities.
- Physical, psychological and/or verbal abuse or the threat of such abuse of any person on University premises or at University activities. This includes hazing, sexual harassment, and sexual assault.
- Participating in or inciting a riot or an unauthorized or disorderly assembly.
- Seizing, holding or damaging property or facilities of the University, or threatening to do so, or refusing to depart from any property or facilities of the University upon direction by University officials or other persons authorized by the Chief Executive Officer.
- Use of alcoholic beverages, including the purchase, consumption, possession, or sale of such, except where specifically authorized within the regulations of the University.
- Possessing, using, selling or distributing any types of illegal drugs.
- Possessing on University property or at any University activity any dangerous chemical or explosive elements or component parts thereof, or rifle, shotgun, pistol, revolver or other firearm or weapon not used for lawful University studies without an authorization by the Chief Executive Officer.
- Physically detaining or restraining other persons or removing such persons from places where they are authorized to remain or in any way obstructing the free movement of persons or vehicles on University premises or at University activities.
- Violating any local, state or federal laws.
- Theft or attempted theft of University or personal property on University premises.
- Unauthorized entry into or presence in any University building or facility.
- Violation of University policy on the use of any tobacco products, including smoking, and vaping.
16.5. Penalties for Academic Misconduct
Disciplinary Actions
Disciplinary actions are determined by the Chief Academic Officer or designee after review of the alleged misconduct:
- Removal of the charges against the student.
- Admonition: An oral or written statement to a student that he/she is violating or has violated University rules and may be subject to more severe disciplinary action.
- Restitution: Reimbursement for damage to or misappropriation of property. This may take the form of appropriate service or other compensation.
- Disciplinary dismissal from the University: Termination of student status for an indefinite period. The conditions of the readmission, if any, will be stated in the order of dismissal.
16.6. Disciplinary Records
Disciplinary Records
All records of disciplinary action will remain confidential, will remain separate from the student’s academic record, will be maintained in the Office of the Chief Academic Officer, and will not be available to unauthorized persons on campus or to any person off campus without the express written permission of the student involved. Exceptions will be made only under the conditions specified in the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, as amended, and under a court order or subpoena.
17. Educational Resources
National Cyber Security University offers our students a wealth of educational resources while attending our programs. You can find these resources within your account settings within National Cyber Security University portal.
17.1. Our Facility & Equipment
Our Facility
National Cyber Security University is located at 695 Trade Center Blvd, Suite 110, Chesterfield MO 63005. The office is in a professional building that is equipped with a classroom, lab environment, study area, multiple offices, restrooms, and a multipurpose room.
Equipment Used
National Cyber Security University employs a lot of different instructional resources to learn our programs. We offer video-based tutorials, lectures, reading assignments, hands-on labs, web resources, and more that are carefully scripted to maximize your learning experience.
National Cyber Security University library contains thousands of books from around the world on the topics of Criminal Justice, Fraud, Law Enforcement, Intelligence, Forensics, Digital Forensics and more.
17.2. Technology Requirements
To benefit from the unique features that National Cyber Security University provides, students will need to possess or have access to a computer with the following:
- Personal Computer (MAC or PC).
- A standard web browser like Firefox or Chrome (the most up to date version)
- Microsoft Office Software like Word, Excel, PowerPoint, or Keynote (if MAC)
- Adobe PDF Reader
- Webcam
- Internet Access
- Headphones with Microphone
- Up-to-date Java and Flash
18. Student Services
National Cyber Security University is a “you” University. Everything that we do is centered on your success. We have coach and mentors to help you choose the programs you need to be successful in your career. We have learning support specialists waiting to help — both online and in person — if you need extra assistance with any program or subject.
18.1. Transcript Services
Official transcripts of CPE credit hours earned at National Cyber Security University are issued by the Certification Department. Transcripts may be requested by emailing [email protected]. A $35 fee is required for each transcript. Transcripts will not be processed for students with outstanding financial debt at the University. These debts include courses that have not been paid in full.
18.2. Confidentiality of Student Records
National Cyber Security University preserves the confidentiality of all student records and guarantees every eligible student the right to inspect and review his/her own educational records in accordance with the provisions of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA), sec. 438. Ferpa prohibits disclosure of personally identifiable student information without students consent or unless authorized by federal law.
National Cyber Security University will not share any student records unless we have in writing (via email) from the student that they approve their records to be shared. The student must submit the request to [email protected] and it must include their name, course(s) completed and the person that they wish to share the information with and their name, email, position.
Per certification Standards- National Cyber Security University will provide enrollment and exit data on each student through the Proprietary Student Record Application System. An ID will be used to maintain the student’s privacy.
18.3. Academic Advising
National Cyber Security University has representatives that are able to assist students by providing information about the courses, policies, procedures, and eligibility requirements that the students may have. The advisor can suggest courses and what might be a good fit for the student, but it is the student’s responsibility to complete their certification.
18.4. Course Assessment
The course assessment is the final exam. The student will be required to complete and pass the final exam. Learning Management System Thinkific is the learning system that National Cyber Security University uses. All students will be required to use this system for their course. When they purchase the course, they will log into the system and use the student dashboard that will house all of their courses.
18.5. Career and Employment Services
National Cyber Security University does not help the student with finding employment. We offer a forum for all our alumni and within this forum, they can look at job postings, upload their résumé and talk with other professionals.
18.6. Study Help
National Cyber Security University is committed to helping its students succeed. If there is a student that is having difficulties in their course they can get on chat and speak with someone immediately. If it is during non-business hours, they will be helped at the beginning of the next business day. If that will not work, the student may speak to the instructor by setting up a meeting. The instructors are usually able to help the student within 24-48 hours.
18.7. Textbooks and Study Materials
All of our courses have everything needed within the course at the time of purchase. The courses have the manuals, videos and tests included in course.
18.8. Educational or Travel Visas
National Cyber Security University serves students in all states and many countries around the world. Although students do not need to reside in the United States to complete the program, National Cyber Security University is not involved with securing educational or travel visas for international students. Students should be prepared to make the necessary accommodations before applying to the University.
18.9. Change of Personal Information
Students are responsible for notifying National Cyber Security University of any and all changes to their contact information. Students should keep the contact information in their National Cyber Security University portal accounts up to date. To change to personal information in National Cyber Security University portal, students must log into their National Cyber Security University portal account, then click on account information where they can update all common information such as physical address and email address, work and home phone numbers, job titles, etc.
18.10. Support Services
National Cyber Security University is proud to offer a quality experience to our learners from start to finish. This includes offering support throughout the learning process. From registration to graduation, National Cyber Security University is committed to student services.
Students are able to register for courses in one of the following ways:
1. Students can register courses through National Cyber Security University website by initiating the “Online Courses” drop down feature at the top of the Home Page. After selecting the desired course, the next screen offers a “Buy Now” feature which then leads the student to the checkout process where they are guided through the payment process.
2. Students can utilize the chat feature located on the right side of National Cyber Security University website. Operators are available to answer questions and enroll students from 8AM to 9PM CST.
3. Students can call National Cyber Security University directly at (888) 883-2248. Operators are available to answer questions and enroll students from 8AM to 9PM CST.
Scheduling Procedures
National Cyber Security University classes begin at the time of purchase. Seats are regulated by National Cyber Security University Staff to ensure that class sizes are not overwhelming for National Cyber Security University mentors. Students have lifetime access to courses and updates; however, the exam cost includes in the tuition fee expires one year after the purchase of the course. This is to ensure that the students are tested on the most current form of the course. Students who have not taken the final exam prior to the 1 year expiration may purchase an exam extension on National Cyber Security University website by clicking on the following link:
Communication Methods
Maintaining constant communication is essential to the learning experience. Students can maintain communication through the following means:
1. Students receive a welcome letter through e-mail when they purchase a course. At this time, they are assigned a National Cyber Security University Mentor and the appropriate contact for that mentor.
2. Students can utilize the chat feature located on the right side of National Cyber Security University website. Operators are available to answer questions and enroll students from 8AM to 9PM CST.
3. Students can call National Cyber Security University directly at (888) 883-2248. Operators are available to answer questions and enroll students from 8AM to 9PM CST.
Technical Support
Students can contact National Cyber Security University for technical support using the following means:
1. Students can utilize the chat feature located on the right side of National Cyber Security University website. Operators are available to answer questions and enroll students from 8AM to 9PM CST.
2. Students can call National Cyber Security University directly at (888) 883-2248. Operators are available to answer questions and enroll students from 8AM to 9PM CST
19. Contact Information
National Cyber Security University offices are open 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. CST, Monday through Friday. Each student is assigned a Student Coach & Mentor who can answer most questions. However, contact information for specific topics is listed below.
Topic |
Contact Email |
Phone |
Admissions |
888-883-2248 |
Technical Support |
888-883-2248 |
VA Education Benefits |
888-883-2248 |
Transcripts |
888-883-2248 |
Grievances and Appeals |